Kenny's Good Side and his Evil Side

WARNING!: Contains spoilers for Cobra Kai Seasons 4 and onwards (kind of).

Hi, everyone! I have decided to post this art blog in honor of one of my most favorite Cobra Kai actors. Today is Dallas Dupree Young's birthday! He plays Kenny Payne from Cobra Kai in case you don't know.

This drawing is basically the good side and the bad side of Kenny Payne. On the left side, it shows a happy, go-lucky kid while on the other side, it shows a menacing, villainous kid under the corruption of Cobra Kai.

Well, we all know what happens at the end of Season 5. If you don't, I recommend you watch the show first.

For Dallas Young, if you see this blog, have an amazing happy birthday! I hope you have a fun day and I hope you like the drawing I made for you! You're one of my most favorite Cobra Kai actors. I also hope I get to see Kenny grow as a character, even after season 5.


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